Orang Hebat

Sebenarnya di dunia ini banyak orang yang hebat.  Bukan, saya bukan bicara tentang para tokoh ternama yang semua orang juga mengakui kehebatannya, semacam Isaac Newton atau Winston Churchill.  Yang saya maksud adalah orang-orang yang lebih membumi, yang tampak biasa-biasa saja, tapi telah (dan masih) menghasilkan karya yang menyentuh dan bermanfaat bagi banyak orang.  Berikut ini... Continue Reading →

A time in life

There is a time in life when you suddenly realize that your parents will die someday.  Of course you know that everyone will die someday.  What I mean is that suddenly you realize that your parents are getting older (with accelerated aging rate), and that ‘someday’ may not be too far from today.  This wake... Continue Reading →

Academia vs Industry: the Singapore case

Out of frustration, I started to compile some facts and opinions on academia vs industry.  I believe I’m not alone in this frustration, I believe that many of my fellow PhD graduates have experienced similar path: “yay I’m a PhD” – “I’m not yet competitive enough to be a faculty member in a decent university”... Continue Reading →


I have difficulty suppressing fangirlish giggles while watching Sherlock.  Considering that I always watched it in my office PC, it is rather disadvantageous to my professional image. I surf those Sherlock-mania tumblr sites practically every day.  The Final Problem gives the highest satisfaction so far. As a result of #2, now I smiled foolishly every... Continue Reading →

Screwed up

"We would love to attend, but we will be overseas on that date. So sorry." "Oh, how unfortunate.  I really want you to come." "You should have told us earlier." "I guess so.  But I thought it would be impolite to invite you without a formal invitation ... and I had no idea how much I wanted you... Continue Reading →

Would God that I had died for thee!

David, king of Israel, uttered that heart-breaking cry upon learning that his third son had been killed.  O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would God that I had died for thee! It occurred to me that many decades after, another parent in the same land might have uttered a similar lament.  As... Continue Reading →

Of reputation and fraud

I am really tempted to say that wedding is a fraud.  I do not know about you, but in my culture (oh, let’s not generalize: replace “my culture” with “my family”) wedding is a matter of pride.  We like to say dignity instead of pride, but we know that it is actually about pride.  We... Continue Reading →

The Donkey

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, a celebration of Jesus’s entry toJerusalem.  There are many peculiar things about this entry; perhaps the most obvious thing is that he rode a donkey.  The peculiarity of his choice of steed (the Synoptic Gospels noted that he specifically asked for the donkey) may have escaped us, to whom the story... Continue Reading →

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